
Tuesday 7 August 2012

Lesson 18-SP Theory-case study 2

Here is a query judged by me four decades ago. It was "When will the wedding bell ring for my son?" We discuss it applying the Constellation Theory.
The number quoted was 128/249. The number corresponds to the point 4-53 of Libra (Sidereal). We take it to be on the ascendant, thus avoiding the cumbersome calculation of the real ascendant.
Read this!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Lesson 17-Job when?- case study 1

I have been recording the queries and their judgments of my customers, friends and relatives over the past four decades. In the following lessons, I am happy to share my research work with the readers.

In this lesson, I am discussing a query put forth by one of my brother's friends, 'When will I get a permanent job?" The query was judged on 31st May at a place with longitude 78-12 E and latitude 11-39 N.

You can find the discussion here!