
Saturday 17 December 2011

Lesson 12-SP Theory-Case Study 1

In this lesson we will learn how to find the significators for an event based on the Constelaation theory. We will name the signifying planets as SP. We shall take the ascendant according to the number quoted by the querent. We cast a horary chart for the moment of judgment.

The query is about going abroad. According to both Vedic and Western astrology a strong IX house indicates chances of visiting an alien land. In the example chart, Jupiter aspects the IX house powerfully thereby indicating that his ambition will be fulfilled. The house is occupied by exalted Saturn ruler of the XII which house is also to be considered for this matter. Read .....

Saturday 3 December 2011

Lesson 11-Predicting events with Sub Theory

On some occasions we are not provided with the birth particulars by the querent because either he doesn't know or he doesn't have them. In such cases we can predict using the Horary system, either using ruling planets or by getting a number within 249 (also read a previous topic on sub theory). The number relates to a particular point of the zodiac which we take as the ascendant.
We take the moment of judgment for erecting the chart, not the moment the number is quoted. We insert the planets in the chart, ignore the actual ascendant and take the zodiacal point which the number refers, as the ascendant (lagna).

Read an example analysis: No 247 was quoted.

Friday 2 December 2011

Lesson 10-House Significators

Significators play an important roll in predicting events in Krishnamurti Paddhati (system). It is based on the constellation Theory.
According to Krishnamurti, occupants of a house are stronger than the ruler. So planets in the constellations of the occupants are more predominant in giving results than those deposited in the constellations of the ruler of the house. Of course, we eliminate those transiting the subs of retrograde planets. The event happens in the period ruled by these significators.
For a detailed discussion of how to find the significators of a house, read ....